Friday, July 3, 2020

The Land of the Free and the Home of Depraved

The neighborhood's been decidedly boisterous lately.

In the great tradition of patriots everywhere, several of our neighbors have gotten a running start at celebrating their inalienable rights by blowing stuph up in their driveways and backyards.

"I'm proud to be an American..."
"...where at least I know I'm free!"

Did I say free?

Oh no, gentle readers. We here in the U. S. of A. are anything BUT free.

Behold how our duly-elected servants think...

Are you gainfully employed? Good. We'll help ourselves to some of that income.

Are you taking the money that actually finds its way to your bank account and buying things with it? Excellent. Those sales are income for the store, so we'll let them force you to pay those taxes for them.

Did you make some money by selling your house? Yeah, we get some of that, too.

Have you somehow managed to scrape together a little bundle of cash to be able to pass on to your kids when you die? Beautiful. We get a percentage of that money...that has already had taxes taken from it...before your kids see a single penny.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

All of a sudden, I feel like blowing up a few things myself.

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