Friday, November 20, 2020

Putting the EmPHAsis on the Right SylLAble

I realized something today that I never realized before.


The word "routine" is pronounced differently when it's used as an adjective than when it's used as a noun.


"It's just a ROUtine investigation, ma'am."

"This job is so boring. It's the same rouTINE every day."

"Her figure skating career will never take off. She has such a ROUtine rouTINE."

And so, I began to wonder whether there were any other words like that.


"There are a lot of interconnected parts in this group of buildings. It's a comPLEX COMplex."

"I'm satisfied with what's in this book. I'm conTENT with the CONtent."

"What a snob! There was no real emotion in that greeting at all. It was a HOLlow holLOW."