Friday, July 27, 2018

Tweet-ready Bursts of Alliterative Genius

Alright, anybody antsy for another anecdote?

But, Baby, buying bargain bottles is abundantly better.

Crushed candy canes can create Christmas cheer.

Don't delve deeply in demonic deposits of dog doo-doo.

Everybody eating their Easter eggs enthusiastically? Excellent!

Forget finding feathers. Flaunt Ferd's fantastic farm fashions!

Got grapes? Good! Gulp a gallon!

Harry Houdini had herculean hair. He hated haberdashers.

I'm initially ignorant of important information.

Jermaine Jackson just jumped and jived joyously.

Kevin Klein's kitchen is covered in ketchup.

Let lounging lions lie lazily, licking long licorice lariats.

Melissa Manchester, Mickey Mouse, Marilyn Monroe, and Mickey Mantle must emulate more modern music and movie moguls to maintain mountains of money.

Nearly nobody needs ninety-nine Nigerian newts. 

Only ocelots ogle orphaned ostriches.

Plenty of pretty parrots practice polite panhandling.

The quick koala queen is keeping her quest quiet. Queer!

The religious right rarely regales rascals.

Should Steven Spielberg say so long so soon?

Twelve tiny tarantulas trembled terribly today.

Unusual Uber drivers undulate under umbrellas unless they're ulcerated.

Voracious vampires vacillate between a variety of various vacations.

One wonders, when one wins, why would one whine, wail, or whimper?

An excess of exes may require extensive access to axes.

Your yellow yak yearns for yesterday's yarmulke.

Zany zookeepers are zealous for zebras.

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