Friday, June 16, 2023



From January 1962 until June 1979, I grew up on a 40-acre plot of land called Hilltop Farm, located three-and-a-half miles north of Uniondale, Indiana.

For as long as I can remember, there have been 311 people living in Uniondale, located on a curve of U.S. 224 in northern Wells County, nestled close to the grain elevator by the railroad tracks...

Welcome to Uniondale, Indiana, the town so small it makes a hobbit hole look like a mansion. If you're looking for a place where everyone knows everyone else's business (whether they want to or not), you've found it!

But don't let the size of this town fool you. Uniondale may be small, but it's full of surprises. For instance, did you know that the town's annual corn festival is actually a front for a secret society of corn enthusiasts? It's true! They meet in an underground bunker beneath the festival grounds to discuss the merits of different corn breeds and trade kernels like they're precious gems.

And if you're looking for excitement, look no further than Uniondale's famous "traffic jam" - a daily occurrence where the two cars in town both try to use the same road at the same time. It's a sight to behold!

But despite its quirks, Uniondale is a charming little town with a lot of heart. The locals are friendly (some might say a little too friendly), and there's always something going on. So if you're ever passing through, be sure to stop and say hi. Who knows? You might just end up staying a while...whether you want to or not.

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Now the thing is, everything between the picture and the row of asterisks was written by ChatGPT as a response to my statement, "Write a short humorous blog post about Uniondale, Indiana."

I am increasingly becoming unnecessary.

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