Friday, February 19, 2021

Spurious S Words

A silly smidgen of Almost the Dictionary: The Almost the Truth™ Dictionary of What Words Ought to Actually Mean: A Lexicon for Parallel Thinkers.

Sabbatical (v)  -  To wiggle one's fingers under the wings of a flying rodent from South America
Saber (v)  -  What one does when one is very cold
SABLE (acronym)  -  Soft Apparrel But Largely Expensive
Saccular (n)  -  A non-religious bag
Sachet (v)  -  To strut while smelling pleasant
SACK (acronym)  -  Sadistic Attempt to Carry Kittens
Sackbut (n)  -  1. a medieval form of the trombone. 2. Bible. an ancient stringed musical instrument. Daniel 3. (NOTE: These are actual definitions, it's just that this word is so darn funny.)
Sacker (n)  -  A lazy, unproductive person at Christmastime (no L)
Sacrament (n)  -  Concrete used to build churches
Schadenfreude (v)  -  Talking negatively about the father of modern psychoanalysis 

1 comment:

Micah and Lauren said...

time to integrate the sackbut into our weekly worship services! I couldn't stop laughing!