Friday, February 12, 2021

2020: The Year Nobody Could Have Made Up


The actual true truth of the matter is that the majority of Almost the Truth posts in 2020 were written in the first few months of the year...before any of us knew what a bizarre dumpster fire of a year it was going to be:

  • Before any of us knew we'd be picking out curtains to match our favorite mask pattern
  • Before Australia became one big party because it was REALLY lit (too soon?)
  • Before otherwise-sane people decided to store toilet paper in safety deposit boxes
  • Before the Leader of the Free World was impeached (Volume One)
  • Before we had an inkling that a trip downtown should include ingredients for s'mores

  • Before the term "murder hornets" went from sounding like something from an apocalyptic comic book to being the lesser of way more than two evils
  • Before fine, upright people started getting their medical advice from a former "reality show" star rather than an know...medical professional
  • Before the West Coast spontaneously combusted
  • Before Alex Trebeck stopped asking for questions
  • Before the lack of evidence wasn't a good enough reason to stop claiming massive voter fraud

See how quickly that went from poking fun to just a gape-mouthed recitation of "can you believe this really happened" moments?

Turns out it was a really good thing I had a stockpile of grin-worthy words. If I had depended on current events to feed the humor mill...yikes.


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