Friday, September 20, 2019

Gimme a Nun-Worn Aftershave (Even More Fun with Anagrams)

There are secret secrets to be revealingly revealed when a person shiftily shifts letters around to a decidedly different order...

A double negative, but still a valid observation about the U. S. Government  -  Never not smug

An obscure collection curated by Tom Hanks  -  Monk hats

A new slogan for Cable News Network (CNN)  -  We Celebrant Wonks

In the interest of fairness, a disturbing headline from Fox News Network  -  Wonk Went for Sex

The only surprise here is that any president would admit this  -  I pretends

Hawkeye Pierce declares his disdain of war  -  Why, I reek peace!

The world's first palindrome, Madam I'm Adam, becomes a wicked son's request  -  Maim Dad, Mama.

Apparently, a McDonald's QuarterPounder was involved in some little-known wordplay  -  Quoted rarer pun

An encouraging cheer for my mom, Georgina Roth  - Go, hog trainer!

#TrueTruth about my Beloved, Debbie Roth  -  Bride be hot

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