Friday, April 7, 2023

Observed Absurdities™ 60 - This Is a Public Service Announcement


Not everything that manages to make its way past the watchful eyes of the Food and Drug Administration is necessarily safe or recommended for human consumption.

I know this, because of what I found on the shelves of a nearby convenience store.

There it was, innocently standing beside the REAL SUGAR version of Mountain Dew® and the nectar of the gods known as Dr Pepper & Cream Soda. To the untrained eye, it looked like just another soft drink, waiting to infuse you with caffeine and empty your wallet.

But wait a minute...

What's that say?

"Mtn Dew Fruit Quake: DEW® with a Blast of Artificial Fruitcake Flavor" 

I'm pretty sure there aren't a lot of people who like REAL fruitcake, let alone any actual human beings who have been longing for some ARTIFICIAL fruitcake flavor in their Mountain Dew

"You know what would make this practically flavorless bottle of high-fructose corn syrup even more disgusting? The flavor of a bread-brick and dried fruit!"


Do not walk.


Far, far away.

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