Friday, March 17, 2023

This Ain't Patrick's Day


March 17th: A day on which Americans commemorate the death of a Roman missionary named Patrick by drinking excessively and putting green dye in all their food.

But wait! That's not all!

There are so many worthy causes and favorite foods and things to celebrate that the day can't be reserved just for the Irish-at-heart. There are other things going on...

This isn't all there is

Red Nose Day began in 1986 as an offshoot of Comic Relief and is a fundraiser for the clown-care organization, Remember Emmett Did Nothing Overtly Serious Ever (REDNOSE). See Emmett Kelly.

Even though corned beef, or any beef for that matter, probably wasn't part of the historical Irish diet, March 17th has become National Corned Beef and Cabbage Day, much to the chagrin of discerning noses (red or otherwise).

World Sleep Day attempts to increase awareness and empathy for the 50-70 million people who have some type of sleeping disorder. Organized by a special committee of the World Sleep Society, the day began with a group of health professionals and providers who were studying sleep medicine and sleep research...which would be enough to put ME to sleep. The number one way suggested to celebrate World Sleep Day is to take a nap. Sign me up!

Suffolk County, Massachusetts and the public schools in Somerville Massachusetts celebrate Evacuation Day, which has nothing to do with cleaning out one's digestive tract and everything to do with the British being run out of Boston in 1776.

Doctor Patient Trust Day celebrates the creation of financial stability for medical professionals.

Aaaaaand ironically enough, we are all being forced to participate in the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence.

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