Friday, August 14, 2020

What the What?

I've lost all faith in my "Here, Let Us Help You Write More Betterly" app.

I was writing a post for my other blog, Truth Is..., and wanted to use the word escargot. Having temporarily forgotten the French origin of the word, I failed to include the silent T at the end and my grammar-check app dutifully piped up to inform me that escargo is not a word...but didn't do its normal thing of suggesting what I may have been attempting to spell. All it said was that escargo is an unknown word.


We live in a world where, if you type the word Why into a search engine, the WorldWideWackfest suggests you might be searching for "why is the sky blue", "why do dogs eat grass", "why do cats purr", or "why is my poop green."

Our technology has advanced to the point of being able to complete my thought of How can to possibly be "how can i make extra money", "how can you get herpes", "how can you mend a broken heart", or "how can i watch yellowstone."

You're telling me the amassed knowledge of the known universe couldn't figure out that I was missing a T??!?


Micah and Lauren said...

I'm guessing it's an American company which also automatically suggests "french fries" as "freedom fries" :-D

Dewey said...

Wow...who'da thunk you were THAT old school!