Friday, March 22, 2019

Almost Definitions II

These will make perfect sense to those blessed with parallel thinking.

Eager (n)  -  A person belonging to the generational group familiar with Walt Disney World's original alphabet-based ticketing system wherein a trolley ride required an A ticket and a trip on Space Mountain would cost an E ticket; traditionally, a person on the high end of that age range

Earthiness (n)  -  The condition of not having a thick hearing organ

Faceless (adj)  -  Having lost weight above the neck

Factor (n)  -  A very bad thespian

Female (n)  -  A girly brew of water and hops

Goblet (n)  -  A small gob

Habitable (adj)  -  The condition of an action or activity having the ability to become a habit

Hackberry (n)  -  A fruit so foul as to induce gagging and coughing upon ingestion

Hairball (n)  -  A grand evening of food and dancing sponsored by GreatClips®

Iambic (clause)  -  Statement of self-awareness by a ball-point pen

Icon (clause)  -  Response of a penitentiary inmate to the question "So, what do you do?"

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