Friday, April 20, 2018

Not Feeling Like Myself Lately

You see, doctor, I've been thinking about my true identity for years now. People say, "Be yourself! Be yourself!" but who IS that? I mean...really.

"Well, the 'About Me' section of your blogger profile says that you're a former pizza-maker, McDonald's crewmember, disc jockey, actor, Tupperware dealer, box office manager, youth minister, substitute teacher, proofreader, and technical writer."

But that's really just a list of things I've DONE. That's not who I really AM.

"That's true."

So anyway, I decided to approach the fountain of all knowledge.


No, Google.

"Same difference."

Whatever. So I did a search on my name, but then I REALLY got confused!

"How so?"

Well, according to the Social Security Administration, I'm not even ALIVE! And not only that, I was born in the 19th Century! So there's no NEED for me to wonder about who I am, because I'm not even here right now. Here! Look at this!

"You realize I'm still going to charge you for this session, right?"

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