Friday, February 2, 2018


Time to cheekily modify some more television classics...

George of the Jungle Gym  -  A dim-witted guy in a loincloth spends FAR too much time at the playground

The Bod Couple  -  Conjoined twins learn to cope when one has insomnia and the other is narcoleptic

The Braidy Bunch  -  Many children; one hairstyle

Ball in the Family  -  The first non-scripted reality show; documents the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding

Charlie's Angles  -  A sitcom based on the humorous happenings in Charlie Weaver's Geometry class

Hoppy Daze  -  Laverne & Shirley get a little loopy from doing too much product testing at the brewery

Kansas Five-O  -  Detective Steve McGarrett is hot on the trail of a young girl who killed two sisters over the disputed ownership of a pair of ruby slippers

M*A*S*H  -  Hawkeye Pierce is the focus of the fun at the 4077th Maracas And Saxophone Hootenanny

The Muppet Shower  -  London is inundated with ping pong balls and pieces of felt

Welcome Back, Carter  -  An exasperated Marine sergeant goes back to school for anger management classes

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