Friday, February 9, 2018

Dogs Will Eat ANYthing

I need to just stop paying attention to what dogs will gladly put in their mouths.

It's bad enough that the canines currently remodeling our house in Early Hairball have decided they need to expand the neighborhood's recycling efforts by ingesting the poopcicles they themselves have deposited in the winter wonderland of our backyard. They also have somehow created a market for critter innards that has resulted in some of the strangest things I've ever seen being on the shelves of PetCo.

While it's true we recently purchased a selection of pig ears for the chewing enjoyment of our dynamic doggies, what we passed up was truly

You know the phrase "Don't put that in your mouth; you don't know where it's been", right? Well, I'm pretty sure I know exACTly where that cow hoof has been, and that is all the greater reason to not want it within 12 yards of my mouth. But dogs? Oh, bring it!

And then there's the "Hackberry Log Smoked Turkey Tendon":

     1.  I've never heard of a hackberry log before, but it doesn't fill me with confidence.
     2.  How many years of culinary training goes in to being able to so carefully prepare such a delicacy?

Nothing like a good ol' knuckle bone to gnaw on, I always say, but that sounds fairly normal compared to the "Dehydrated Beef Trachea". I pity the poor cow walking around who has to hold a hoof over the hole in their throat in order to moo.

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