Friday, September 8, 2023

Sipping from the Stream of Consciousness


So I'm sitting here trying to think of some content to create in order to get a few weeks ahead in terms of posting in this space.

Had to back up and edit that sentence because I originally typed "So I'm sitting her trying to think..."

And I edited THAT sentence to add the bold italic formatting for the word "her".

Still don't know if that last period there should be inside or outside the closing quotation marks.

Had to back up and edit that sentence because I originally typed "don't know if that past period there..."

But I remembered to stop and start the bold italic formatting WHILE I was typing this time.


So...what to write...or type...

I wonder what my blood type is. Pretty sure Beloved remembers, though I can't imagine why she does. 

Speaking of Beloved, when I got home from my Saturday morning shift at FastStop last weekend, she had already mowed the front AND back yards.

What a gal!

White Christmas: ♪♫ Mandy! What a gal!  ♪♫

Now THAT'S who should have starred as Barbie, right there!

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