Friday, March 12, 2021

Thesaurus-proof T Words

A tiny treat from Almost the Dictionary: The Almost the Truth™ Dictionary of What Words Ought to Actually Mean: A Lexicon for Parallel Thinkers.

Tab (n)  -  Brand name for a diet soda that is one of the worst assaults upon the human sense of taste since Coca-Cola® stopped using coke in their cola.

Table (n)  -  A piece of furniture designed for the accumulation of random piles of detritus

Tablecloth (n)  -  A piece of material designed to: 1) protect a table from being nicked or stained, or 2) hide a table's nicks and stains

Tablelands (clause)  -  What a table eventually does if it is thrown out a window

Tablespoon (n)  -  Utensil used when a table wants to have soup or oatmeal

Tablet (n)  -  Winnie the Pooh's small, pink friend when on a diet

Tabling (v)  -  In committee meetings, when participants choose to stop talking about a matter and just wear flamboyant jewelry instead.

TABOO (acronym)  -  Teasing And Bullying Obese Orcas

Tabulate (clause)  -  "We expected you earlier, Tab!"

Tyrant (n)  - The extravagant or violent declamation of a tyrannosaur


Micah and Lauren said...

I look forward to these posts so much! (May our elder meetings never have tabling!)

Dewey said...

But just in case they do, I'm prepared!