Friday, May 18, 2018

What IS It with Good-Looking Women?!?

In my part-time pursuit of economic solvency at my local FastStop convenience store/gas station/cigarette emporium, I've noticed something both curious and disturbing.

Well, maybe I should back up a little and get a running start at this.

First, you should know that  -  in a certain way of thinking  -  I tend to temporarily fall in love with each of my customers. I mean, I am absolutely focused on them and their needs. My sole reason for existence in those few moments between "How can I help you?" and "See you next time!" is to do whatever is best for that person.

And that's an awful lot like love.

Second  -  and this may be more of a confession than an informational statement  -  some members of the female segment of human society make it easier to fall into that temporary state of love/infatuation than others.

There, I said it. There are certain combinations of bone structure, poise, coloring, hairstyle, confidence, and positive attitude that end up being more attractive than others.

But here's something I've discovered, and it confounds me.

Almost without fail, when someone walks up to my register who elicits the internal response of "this right here is an attractive woman", she will want to purchase some cigarettes. And THAT, my gentle readers, is definitely a turn-off for me. To think of a beautiful set of teeth clenching a rolled-up wad of burning tobacco sets my gag reflex dial to eleven.

Maybe it's God's not-so-subtle way of keeping me on the straight and narrow. (Thank you, Beloved, for having stopped smoking LONG before we met.)

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