Friday, May 10, 2019

Observed Absurdities™ 46 - I Gotcher Nicotine Right Here

I'm befuddled.

I'm gobsmacked.

I'm bewitched, bothered, and bewildered.

There's a new product on the shelves at FastStop. Right next to the cans of chewing tobacco, there is now a nifty little thing called Zyn.

It looks like the tins of Grizzly or Copenhagen pouches used by folks who like to chew but don't like getting tobacco between their teeth, but instead of containing tobacco, it just contains nicotine, which the can proudly proclaims is an addictive chemical.

As far as I know (which is, admittedly, not very far), they aren't part of a "kick the habit" plan like nicotine gum. They're just part of a continuing initiative to make money from the addictions of others...but now it doesn't involve dark alleys or Bolivian cartels.

My head is spinning about how crazy this is.

"Honey, on your way home, would you stop and get me some addictive chemical pouches?"

"All have Zynned and fallen short of the glory of God."

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