Grandsons have a way of keeping one's ego in check. And one's sense of reality finely tuned. Almost recently, our oldest child, AngelFace, was having a discussion with her youngest son, MisterSquishy, about her new haircut. They were commenting on how it was shorter and how it curved around her face.
This led to a general discussion about how everybody has hair. AngelFace: Does Daddy have hair? MisterSquishy: Yes! AngelFace: Do you have hair? MisterSquishy: Yes! AngelFace: Does Grampa Dewey have hair? MisterSquishy: [Scrunching up his face and tilting his head sideways] Not that much.
...women want you to pick the restaurant to go to, as long as it's not the first three you mention? four-way stops, people act like they want you to go first until you actually start moving? can taste so good in my mouth but look so nasty on my shirt?
...those nights when you're really, really tired are the same nights you can't get to sleep...and have to be up early the next morning? ...the phrases "right on" and "left off" have nothing to do with each other? ...there is no discernible difference between Strawberry Twizzlers and Cherry Twizzlers? ...there is no discernible difference between Twizzlers and rubber tubing?
Here we are...the Friday after the election. The ballots are tallied. The celebrants and the mourners have all gone home. Almost half the nation is thinking "How in the farnsworth could that have happened?!? If only there had been a better turnout. Man...I never imagined it was going to come to this." The spin doctors are whirling feverishly. The protesters are protesting. The pundits are...uh...pundificating.
And Canada is thinking of building a wall. Did I mention that I actually wrote this on October 27?
While doing research for last week's post (you can revisit Scary Romance by clicking here), I found some romantic movie titles that didn't have to be changed at all in order to sound like they could actually be a horror or suspense flick. Another example of how your attitude, or what your expectations are, can influence your perceptions.