Friday, March 28, 2025

Observed Absurdities™ 72 - Is This Gluten Free?


Beloved and I received a wedding invitation that has thrown us for a loop.

The earliness of the invitation in relation to the date of the event is fine.

The expected level of attire and decorum is well within the boundaries of reason.


The menu options...oh my...

How would you like your child prepared?

As a grandparent, I have been known to say "You're so sweet, I could just gobble you up," but I never expected to be taken seriously.

Friday, March 21, 2025

A Vegetarian's Lit Mom: Movie Title Anagrams


Twisting letters. Twisting plots.

  • Twelve Angry Men = Warm Gent Evenly (A dozen chefs argue how best to cook a refined man.)
  • Return of the King = Fuehrer Knotting (The final Lord of the Rings film is about Hitler's hobby during his final days.)
  • Pulp Fiction = Clip Fop Unit (Drastic surgery on an effeminate man)
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly = A Tough Tho Lengthy Bad Deed (Yep, that covers it.)

This is what happens when you let AI create a graphic for "A Tough Tho Lengthy Bad Deed"
This is what happens when you let AI create a graphic for "A Tough Tho Lengthy Bad Deed"

  • Forrest Gump = Forgets Rump (And I thought MY memory was bad!)
  • The Matrix = Max Tither (Neo gives more to his church than anyone else.)
  • It's a Wonderful Life = A Definite Fowl Slur ("In the whole vast configuration of things, I'd say you were nothing but a scurvy little chicken!")
  • Saving Private Ryan = Ivy Narrates Paving (A verbal creeping vine tells the tale of building a road.)
  • Shawshank Redemption = A Sharpened Moth Winks (You only THOUGHT he dug his way out with a rock hammer.)
  • The Godfather = The Hog Farted ("Leave the gun. Take the bacon.")

Friday, March 14, 2025

Falling in...Love?: The 394th Greatest Song


"Can't Help Falling in Love" was given to Elvis for his movie Blue Hawaii, but it was originally written for an unproduced film, White Minnesota.

Park guides say
It's too late to skate
But I can't help falling through ice in March
Shall I stay?
Will it seal your fate
If I can't help falling through ice in March?

When the water flows
Just beneath your feet
Darling, so it goes
Plunging cannot be beat
Take my hand
Save my life, don't be harsh
For I can't help falling through ice in March

AI generated image of Elvis lookalike skating

Friday, March 7, 2025

Marriage Tip #237: Do Not Attempt to Even the Score


I had a laughable conversation with a friend.

He told me his wife has an...interesting...behavior pattern when they are relaxing on the couch watching a television show or movie.

3D cartoon of couple watching TV

Apparently, she feels it is necessary to point out to her husband whenever an actor she considers good-looking appears on the screen.

As in "That guy right there is good-looking. I'm just saying."

My friend wasn't sure what kind of societal catastrophe or black hole of ignorance was being avoided by her "just saying" this information.

I said I wasn't sure either, but I AM sure of something else: He would be wise to refrain from returning the favor. You know, just keep his opinions about the relative attractiveness of any given actress completely to himself.

Neither of us wanted to even think about how that exchange would go down.

Then my friend added this "ba-dum-tiss" final thought: "And the thing is. None of these so-called good-looking men look anything at all like me."

Friday, February 28, 2025

Observed Absurdities™ 71 - Available at Your Local Grocer

Here in the final throes of winter (which, in Minnesota, could go on for another two months), it is important to find joy in even the simplest things in life.

Take grocery shopping.


I am blessed that Beloved deems herself to be totally capable of shopping for groceries by herself. (I try to tell myself it has nothing to do with a lack of faith in MY ability to do it.) Even so, there are times when I tag along to push the cart and reach things on the top shelf.

It was during just such an excursion recently that I observed the following absurdity:

Grocery aisle sign: Can Fish Microwave Soup

A profound question indeed.

Makes me ponder:

*   Baby Needs Hygiene Paper
          (Well duh)

*   Cereal Bug Killer
          (Call Criminal Minds!)

*   Soda Chips Artichoke
       (So, the chips are to choke)


Friday, February 21, 2025

Oh No No No No: The 395th Greatest Song


Writer/Producer Shadow Morton claims to have written "Remember (Walkin' in the Sand)" in 20 minutes on the way to the studio.

I believe him.

Seems like the other day
My baby went away
He went away 'cross the sea
It's been two years or so
Since I saw my baby go
And then this letter came for me
It said that we were through
He found somebody new
Oh, let me think, let me think, what can I do?
Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no 

A few things about this:

       1.  The simple rhymes and barely-moving melody line not only make me believe he wrote it in 20 minutes, but it also makes me wonder why it took that long.

       2.  AND...why does Rolling Stone consider it the 395th Greatest Song of All Time?

       3.  Let me get this straight. The boyfriend moved across the ocean and TWO YEARS LATER sends a "Dear Jane" letter?

       4.  AND...after all that time, the jilted girlfriend is distraught and bewildered? Like she didn't see it coming?

P.S.  The one thing that probably made Shadow Morton proud to have the writing credit for this dreck is how many times the "Oh no no no no" line has been used in commercials. ♫♪ Baby, you're a rich man ♪♫

Friday, February 14, 2025

A Valentine Poem


Your Eyes

Your eyes reached out and grabbed my heart
The first time that we met
I was sure they were as big
As any eyes could get

They spoke to me of trust and joy
And places they had seen
They bragged of mysteries they'd solved
With intellect so keen

They filled me in on days gone by
On dangers beaten down
They told tall tales of past defeats
And times you'd won the crown

They whispered both of hunger
And of overflowing cup
They jabbered on so ceaselessly
I wished they'd just shut up.

Young Blue Eyes