Tuesday, March 25, 2008

50 Ways VI

15. Go to Ivy League classes online.
The exciting thing about this is that several colleges are allowing downloads of class notes, lectures, reading lists, assignments, and exams...for free. Of course, without paying tuition you don't get an actual -- you know -- degree at the end of it all, but self-improvement is self-improvement whether or not you get a piece of paper to prove it.

I took advantage of this before it became an official program. Well...actually...before it even became legal. And I was able to hack in and get the sheepskin mailed to me, too! Yeah, that's right. I've got a degree in political ethics.

16. Make a "Not-to-do list."
And this is the first thing on it.

17. Swing by your local library.
Oh come on...playgrounds are playgrounds...who cares whether it's by a library?

18. Read an international newspaper.
This could be fairly challenging without the help of our friendly, online translator, babelfish. With its help, I was able to turn the Korean version of "Amazing grace: how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me," into "Magnificent grace: With sweetness fortune B together as the sound which stores the person who is unfortunate."

19. Make your favorite blogs come to you.
I know this one really seems self-serving on my part, but there it is: U. S. News & World Report, Vol. 143, No. 23, page 50. Instead of having to traverse the information superhighway in order to keep current with this bit of blathering, you can have it emailed to you or do the whole "RSS feed" thing which is too technical for you to understand, but put simply, involves elves moving the content from here directly into your personal computer by magic. All of which will make your life simpler (yay!) and my ego bigger. (impossible!)

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