Wednesday, January 23, 2008

If you can't stand the heat...

The pressure is on now. I've emailed all my friends, family, former co-workers, fellow church members, and a few dating services...telling them all about this venture in vanity called a blog. A few fine folks have even subscribed so that new posts are emailed directly to their anxiously-expectant inboxes.

Now I need to provide some content.

It's one thing to post a sample chapter of my book in hopes of generating a few orders. (See "Click this out" in the left margin...nudge, nudge.) It is entirely something else to keep originating warped observations on culture, current events, and Skyline Chili.

The good news is, I doubt that my supply of warposity will run dry very soon. And for sure, the world will continue to be a strange, strange place to live in...Master Jack. long as the much-fretted-over Writers Guild of America strike continues, the world will be clamoring for non-reality-TV entertainment. (Of course, I personally am always clamoring for something other than reality TV.) Methinks I'm striking while the iron is hot.

Well, actually...I'm not striking. Not a guild member, you see. Lucky for you and the rest the world, eh?


Darcie said...

Enjoyed stumbling across your venture into vanity!

Dewey said...

Stop on by any ol' time!